Message Protocol

The current message protocol is Protobuf.

You can find the file defining the spec in the root of the project messages.proto

Generating the files from .proto

When using Protobuf the common thing to do is use generators that take you .proto files and generated the code in your language of choice.

Since we have 2 distinct langauages (Elixir, C#) below you will find the sections for each one


For Elixir we use the library protobuf


  • Protobuf compiler (protoc), you can check the releases for a pre-built binary or in macOS do brew install protobuf
  • protoc-gen-elixir plugin for protoc. Install with mix escript.install hex protobuf and make sure to include in your PATH, if you are using asdf run asdf reshim

Generating code:

After much trial and error, we distilled the code generation into a simple command you can use from the root of the project

make gen-server-protobuf

This will generate 2 files

  • messages.pb.ex, which is the module specifying the structs (and other things) for our protobuf messages
  • proto_transform.ex, this module is referenced by messages.pb.ex in the transform_module/0 callback. This module handles the transformation from our data types (structs, maps, etc) into the generated structs of the protobuf messages (and viceversa)


For C# we use the library protobuf-net


  • Protobuf compiler (protoc), you can check the releases for a pre-built binary or in macOS do brew install protobuf
  • .NET6 runtime needed by protogen 3.2.12
  • protogen tool to generate the code, similar to protoc

Generating code:

After much trial and error, we distilled the code generation into a simple command you can use from the root of the project

make gen-client-protobuf